
Friday, 18 June 2010

Get outta here...

So the other day I received a message via Twitter, to say my blog had been "nominated" for an award. I honestly thought it was a joke... I've only been blogging since January, don't have that many followers, and really just started cos some days it actually feels like people are running around in my head. Unlike some of the religious bloggers that I follow I don't blog everyday, only when my head is so full of randoms that I need to release them, lol. So I was absolutely taken aback when I received the "official" email. This post about my all consuming shopping addiction. is the reason I was nominated, so I guess I have eBay and my addictive personality to thank, as well as the guys over at


  1. Congratulations - will you be going to the event on 3 July? I am so hope to see you there. PS I adore your floral heels they are amazing x

  2. well, it was a great post!


I'd love to know what you thought of the post...